Basketball Shooting Tips – Balance, Stance and Rhythm

Robert Mafes

According to Robert Mafes, balance, stance, and Rhythm are three of the most important basketball shooting tips. Balance comes first and is vital for your shooting. Rhythm is second. If these three points are not followed, the shot is unlikely to land. To improve your shooting, practice releasing the ball at the right time. To do this, release the ball with your shooting hand aimed at the basket. Straighten your elbow and push your wrist so that the ball arches. As you release the ball, lightly touch your shooting arm just below the wrist.



During the release of a shot, the ball is either in an unbalanced position or balanced. During the release, the shooter’s mind automatically senses the balance and responds to it. There are various ways to increase your shooting balance and the power of your shot. Below are some tips that will improve your balance. You must practice all these tips to be more accurate. But the first and foremost tip is to remember to keep your finger pads on the ball.

When shooting from the 3-point line, your elbow should rest under the ball. Your hand should be parallel to the rim and your arm should be positioned comfortably under the ball. The shooting hand should be extended straight and parallel to the rim, while your guide hand should be positioned behind the ball. Your shooting arm should extend straight forward from the hand while your elbow should stay close to the ball. By doing so, your shooting hand will have less force than your other hand.


There are a few different stances for basketball shooting. You can try the parallel stance, which was popular when basketball first became a popular sport. Elite players and coaches still use the parallel stance because of its theory: squaring both feet to the basket will promote the best shot. This stance does not work for everyone, however. Here are some tips to help you achieve the most comfortable basketball shooting stance.

The first step in shooting basketball is to find the proper stance. Generally, shooters stand with their feet shoulder width apart and their knees slightly bent. The muscles in their thighs provide power and consistency to their shots, and they should be loaded with the ball. In addition, the right foot should be slightly forward, and their weight should be on the balls of their feet. Although many coaches believe that the shoulders should be square to the hoop, some great shooters prefer to turn the ball sideways towards the rim.


Developing rhythm in basketball shooting is crucial to improving your mechanics. The way you shoot is important, but you can also improve your accuracy by using specific words and motions to key your shooting mechanics. To get started, here are some common words you can use to key your shooting mechanics. Then, focus on these words while shooting. You’ll see results in no time! Here are some tips to improve your shooting mechanics and confidence.

The first thing you need to do is identify what shots are quality. You’ll notice that great shooters can make shots under pressure. They also have an uncanny knack for changing their mechanics if they are under pressure. To improve your shooting mechanics, you’ll need to understand the terms that are commonly used in basketball. The terminology used to define quality shots is also crucial. For example, a high-quality shot is one that’s free from mistakes.

Robert Mafes – Rhythm is second most important

A good shot requires visualization and mental focus. It’s also important to develop a rhythm, which is why shooting is similar to gymnastics. As well as focusing on the shot, the rhythm is also essential in establishing a strong connection between the shooter and the ball. Keeping the ball high in the air promotes quick release and lessens the chance of an error. In addition to keeping the ball high, stepping into the shot is also helpful for enhancing the range and accuracy of a shot.

A good shooter knows how to make shots when under pressure. His shooting mechanics are unique and rhythmical. As a result, it requires a good deal of proprioception, which is important for the ball to fall in the hoop. This is why a good shooter is able to adjust his mechanics during the shot to make it look good. Rhythm is second most important when shooting basketball

Position of the shooting hand

The correct position of the shooting hand is critical to achieving success in the game of basketball. When shooting, the guide hand should be placed under the ball at the set point and the shooting hand should lift the ball evenly and release the ball. The shooting motion is short and violent and the wrist snaps forward quickly. The shooting hand should be placed under the ball when the shooter extends his arm and wrist. If it does not, he will push the ball off line and miss the shot.

The right position for the shooting hand in basketball is centered in the chest, while the left-handed shooter should have his or her right hand slightly off-center. This helps the shooter release the ball with the proper arc and center it in the shooting hand. The non-shooting hand should be relaxed to prevent power from the opposite side of the ball. This position is important to avoid over-exerting the hand or wrist to release the ball. A great shooting hand should also be relaxed and comfortable in order to avoid over-exertion.

Landing forward is OK -Robert Mafes

When shooting basketball, it’s always better to land forward rather than backward. You want to keep your feet square to the hoop, and your body slightly pointed in the same direction. However, if you’re a great shooter, landing forward is perfectly acceptable. Landing backward or with your non-shooting hand foot forward could indicate balance problems, so it’s best to avoid that.

The first thing to remember when shooting basketball is to make sure your feet are in front of the starting point. This way, you can avoid short-arming the ball. This technique requires a lot of effort and requires the shooter to extend their arms in an unnatural position. The second tip is to keep your hips in a neutral position when shooting. The more you sway back and land forward, the more difficult the shot will be.

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